You are not allowed to change account at the moment.
Payto Setup
Do You Want To Setup Payto For {{'BankId','IncomeSource', '1', '==')[0].BankId, '==')[0].Name}} Bank.
We have submitted your application, this won't take long ...
Using {{varBrand.value}} is a piece of Cake!
TopUp Unavailable
Sorry you have reached your maximum withdrawal limit for this pay cycle. You can topup again in {{dateToday.datetime.daysUntil([0].data.LoanInfo.RepaySchedule[[0].data.LoanInfo.RepaySchedule.length-1].duedate)}} day(s).
Sorry your current TopUp is overdue. You can reapply topup again once this has been paid.
Sorry you have a direct debit pending. Please try again after the payment has cleared.
Your Loans
Active Loans
Application In Progress
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Disbursal Failed!
Ops! There seems to be a problem disbursing this loan. Please call {{}}.